Sunday, March 1, 2009

Granny's Cap

The doctors have capped off Granny's tracheotomy and she is down to one liter of oxygen a day. Anne, Abby, and I went to see Granny on Thursday and she looks wonderful! She was able to talk and sounded like she always her regular self! It was so exciting. I talked to her on the phone today as well. Her doctor is preparing her for a move to a intensive rehab facility which he anticipates her only having to spend two weeks in and then she will go to a regular rehab. Her estimated time in the regular rehab, if everything goes well, would only be two weeks and she would go home after that! Praise God! Of course these are all best case scenarios and things could take longer than predicted, but it is exciting to hear and see Granny doing so well. Since Granny is able to talk now she has been dictating list of things for Mom to check, appointments to cancel, and phone calls to make. I can't believe she is able to remember all these appointments that she made months ago. I can barely remember appointments that I have written on the calendar!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is amazing news! Praise the Lord! And thank you so much for keeping us at FUMC Daingerfield posted on her progress via your blog - gotta love the technology!