Monday, March 14, 2011

Dirt Dirt Dirt

This is what Anne and Abby did last Friday at work.

They made a dirt chair.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mondays with Nathan

It had been two weeks since our last date with "baby" Nathan. This time we went to The Discovery Science Place, the park, and Chick fil A.

Abby shopping with head protection. You never know when a fire could break out at the grocery store.

Fire People

Abby rocking the babies

I forgot to get the camera out at the park and I didn't even consider getting it out at dinner. We had a ball with Nathan and he always does an excellent job of preparing the girls for a good night sleep.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

. . . King of the Wild Frontier

My mom and dad went down to San Antonio to see the reenactment of the battle of the Alamo. It was the 175th anniversary. They brought Abby and Anne coon skin caps just like Davy Crockett. Apparently he was all over the place down there. They even saw Elvis.We are proud of our Texas heritage. I'm a sixth generation Texan and the girls are seventh. Scott makes fun of me because I am always trying to fit that into conversation, but there is rarely a natural opportunity to share about our Texas heritage so I usually just blurt it out. Remember the Alamo. Oh, by the way, March 2 is Texas Independence Day not Dr. Suess' birthday.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Landon's B-day

Two weeks ago we drove up to Frisco to celebrate cousin Landon's 1st birthday.

Aunt Ashley and Landon opening gifts.

The cousins

Landon's Birthday Cake

Anne enjoying some goodies from Gran.

Dr. Abby and Gran

The Birthday Boy!

Thanks Uncle Mark and Aunt Ashley! We had a blast and can't wait to see you again!


Abby believes in co-sleeping/the family bed.