This weekend Scott, the girls, and I all traveled down to Houston for a wedding. We left after lunch on Friday and arrived around 5:30pm. We arrived early and went down to the Kema Boardwalk so Anne could see the boats, ride the carousel, and we could eat dinner. The weather was nice. A rain storm had just come through creating a nice breeze and more merciful temperatures. We ate dinner at Saltgrass and sat right beside the window. Anne was thrilled to watch the roller coaster come by every few minutes, but had little desire to actually ride it. After dinner we walk down to the water and watched the boats going in and out. Anne was sure that they were all priate ships!
After Kema we headed back to the hotel to meet up with our college friends for a evening of reminising. It didn't last as long as usual because almost all of us either have kids or are expecting. We all called it a night at around 10:30pm.
I had a pesimistic view of how our night would go with all the family in one hotel room, but thankfully everyone slept fairly well!
The next morning we woke up, ate brekfeast, and made a quick trip to Target (Daddy's Store.) When all our errands had been run we doned our bathing suits and headed out to the pool. Anne demonstrated her swimming abilities for Daddy and Abby splashed in Mommy's arms.
When we were dried and dresses it was off to Chili's to meet Gran for lunch. She took the girls back to her house while we went to Mikey and Marisella's wedding.The wedding was very and nice and at the reception there was a live Mariachi Band.
After the wedding we drove back to Conroe and slept at Gran and Grandpa's with the girls. It was short visit, but we enjoyed the time we had with our family. A big thanks to Gran and Grandpa for watching the girls and now we are back in Tyler resting up for our next event.
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