Friday, March 8, 2013

How hard could it be?

Last Saturday, on sort of a whim, my dad and I bought six baby chicks . . . for the girls.

Dad has always wanted to raise livestock.
I don't think you can call the chicks livestock.
There more like what one of my friends calls puppy chickens.

In fact Lilly, our dog, thinks or at least wishes she was a chick. 
I thought the chicks might trigger maternal instincts in her and she would mother them and maybe the chicks would think they are dogs
but . . . 
it appears Lilly thinks she is a chick.
When we take the chicks in the backyard for "outside time" Lilly climbs in the cage with them, sits in their sand bath, and begs for attention too.
Our plan is to build a "easy" DIY coop for the little guys or girls (we don't know genders yet) and move them permanently to the backyard.
Have you seen some of the coops people build nowadays?
They're fancier than my house!
Southern Living even sells coop plans! Geez!

Just call us Urban Farmers

All that said, they have been lots of fun, fairly easy, and rarely stinky :)

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