Friday, March 29, 2013

Egg Dying 2013

No these eggs did not come from our chickens.

 Egg dying with the girls has become exponentially easier with each year.

Gra'ma making her "Johnny Football" egg 
which unfortunately stayed out over night because the girls couldn't find it after they hid it.
There inability to find it probably had to do with the fact that instead of just hiding the eggs, Anne buried them.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Chicky Update

 The chickies have moved outside!
I can't say I wasn't happy to  make the transition, mostly due to the following word puzzle:
chicks = stinky
chicks = stinky

We enclosed part of the yard next to the Cabin/Monkey House with chicken wire to create a run and Dad/Papa built a doggy/chicky door so they can go in and out.
You can tell from the pics their getting their adult feathers.
They should all be some form of Rhode Island Reds.
We don't know their genders yet.
Hopefully there all hens!

At night the girls and I shooo them into the cabin and turn on their night light, the heat lamp, which I find ironic because its the same lamp KFC uses to keep their fried chicken warm.
They have taken to outdoor living like a duck takes to water.

 We keep them slightly enclosed in the cabin to keep out drafts and make them feel  cozy.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Angelina Ballerina

Anne participated in her schools annual Book Character Parade.

 After presenting  Anne with a few costume ideas I found on Pinterest she chose Angelina.

Friday, March 8, 2013

How hard could it be?

Last Saturday, on sort of a whim, my dad and I bought six baby chicks . . . for the girls.

Dad has always wanted to raise livestock.
I don't think you can call the chicks livestock.
There more like what one of my friends calls puppy chickens.

In fact Lilly, our dog, thinks or at least wishes she was a chick. 
I thought the chicks might trigger maternal instincts in her and she would mother them and maybe the chicks would think they are dogs
but . . . 
it appears Lilly thinks she is a chick.
When we take the chicks in the backyard for "outside time" Lilly climbs in the cage with them, sits in their sand bath, and begs for attention too.
Our plan is to build a "easy" DIY coop for the little guys or girls (we don't know genders yet) and move them permanently to the backyard.
Have you seen some of the coops people build nowadays?
They're fancier than my house!
Southern Living even sells coop plans! Geez!

Just call us Urban Farmers

All that said, they have been lots of fun, fairly easy, and rarely stinky :)