"The nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string." - Anne of Avonlea
We spent Memorial Day at Great Grandma's house. Papa, Gra'ma, Anne, Abby, Great Granny, and Lilly all invaded around eleven thirty. It was a wonderful day. GG cooked a bountiful lunch and we all ate our fill. After lunch it was down to the lake. Papa had bought Anne her very own bamboo fishing pole complete with bobber and raincoat(that's what Anne called her lifejacket.) Mommy was thankful for the extra safety precautions because Anne tends to be oblivious about the dangers of falling off the dock into the lake. (We have already signed up for swimming lessons this summer) It must run in the family, falling off the dock, because I jumped into GG's lake when I was two and GG had to jump in after me. I can remember conscientiously making the decision to walk off the end of the dock into the lake. Thankfully, GG had excellent life guarding abilities! All this to say, I was able to relax because I knew Anne was wearing her raincoat. Papa had spent the morning digging in the dirt and gathered quite a collection of fat juicy worms. They turned out to be excellent bait because Anne caught two fish and even hauled the second one in on her own. She was very proud. I caught one fish, but it was to big to fit in a picture. Abby and Great Granny spent most of the time resting inside and Lilly enjoyed a day of frolicking in the woods with Salt and Princess. She loves pretending she's an out doors dog. After a day of fishing, running, and resting it was time to come home and see Daddy. Unfortunately, Scott had to work all day and missed out on most of the fun. We did bring him a few leftovers. I post more picutres of the day when I get a chance. For now, here are a few.
Anne had her last day of school on Wednesday. It was a lot of fun, but a little sad too. I can't believe that she is almost three. The kids spent the morning going from water station to water station splashing and laughing. We finished the morning with a pizza party in her classroom and then said our goodbyes to all Anne's school friends. Thank you Ms. Teresa for a wonderful year!
In the past few weeks Abby has begun to suck her thumb. It's the first thing she does when she is upset! It takes her a few brushes over her face before she finds the thumb, but she always finds it. It works out great for now because she has no teeth and it is a built in pacifier, but I hope this isn't a sign that braces will be in our future. We had a dentist speak at our MOPS group awhile back and he said that braces cost six thousand dollars. That's enough to give Scott two heart attacks! For now I will enjoy the quiet that thumb sucking brings and worry about the effects later. Plus, I think it is adorable! You can remind me I said that when Abby is still sucking her thumb at age nine.
This Saturday we met some of the family at Collin Street Bakery for a nice visit. We all had a blast, especially Anne. She loves seeing her Uncle Mark, Aunt Ashley, Gran, and Grandpa! She did her best to get everyone to play chase. Abby did ok. She made her presence know whenever she wasn't sleeping.
It has been raining and cloudy for a week and a half. The sun has only come out occasionally. I'm ready to bask in the sunlight again, but Anne has enjoyed using her umbrella.
Anne was scavenging in Papa's drawers at work on Friday and found his very old pipe. She spent most of the morning with it in her mouth, but she thought it was a musical instrument and played it beautifully. So, not to worry, Anne hasn't started smoking yet.