Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Granny Update

Yesterday the speech therapist came by and Granny spoke for the first time since the accident! She was able to say "uhuh" and "unuh" (Translation: yes and no.)She was also able to swallow some water, the first swallow of water she has had since the accident, and soon they will begin to give Granny things like soup and jello. Her doctor is predicting that she will be able to begin aggressive rehab in a little less than two weeks, the beginning of March. Granny has been sitting up in her special chair more and more and can even adjust her body position a little on her own. These are all phenomenal things. She has made such progress. Please continue to pray her muscles will increase in strength and ability, that she will feel encouraged by her progress, and of course for her complete recovery! Thank you in advance for all your prayers and thoughts. We truly covet your prayers!

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