Friday, April 13, 2012

Egg Dying 2012

Egg dying is always better in a bathing suit.

KK Egg Hunt 2012

Gra'ma and I went to Abby's school for her Easter Egg hunt.
It was lots of fun watching those little guys collect there eggs.
Abby excelled in the collecting of eggs because Anne had her in training for several days prior.

Abby's friend Maggie.
She and Abby are the only girls in their class.

Anne and Gra'ma

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Remember . . .

H-1 Raiders Class of '02

Easter weekend we traveled to Elwood, TX to honor Scott's Aggie Corps buddy who past away in a Marine helicopter training exercise a few months ago.
It was a sweet time.
The guys spent hours laughing and telling stories.
The girls got to play with Chaz, Dave and Alicia's wonderful little boy.
We normally see them once a year at the beach so this was a special treat.
Dave was Scott's roommate all four/five years in college and Alicia was my roommate.
Ha ha ha . . . my plan worked perfectly!

Sweet Chaz

Fanin State Park

Anne took this one of me

Monday, April 9, 2012

Movie Theater

We have never taken Anne or for that matter Abby to the movie theater mostly because I can't stand to waste two hours watching an animated movie or some other dribble, but we broke our streak last Saturday.
We took the girls to Mirror, Mirror.
It was great.
Anne was mesmerized and talked to the characters on the screen several times.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Egg Hunt #1 2012

Last Saturday we went to the church up the street for their Easter Egg hunt.
The Children's Minister shared the Easter story with the kids, then the girls hunted eggs, and topped it off with cookies and punch.

The Elvis sneer

Sweet Anne

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Flute

The FLU or if your Abby, the "Flute" has been living it up in Tyler.
Several of my friends and their children have been wiped out.
The Garred's were hit hard, including Krystal, so Monday we took the little Garred's to Papa's and Chick Fil A so she could get some rest.
Abby enjoyed having buddies at work and we all indulged in ice cream at The Chicken.
Piper clocked a few minutes of work at Counterscapes and took home a "paycheck."
We had a blast!


Abby and Eli are exactly 2 months apart in age,
were born in the same delivery room,
had the same delivery nurse,
and when I showed up to visit at the hospital Krystal and I
were wearing the same t-shirt.
I think its a sign.
I don't know of what, but definitely a sign.
